



absurdum et ridiculum
Palativm Caligvlae
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Good evening, my name is Jorge and I am from Peru, I would like to be part of your contact list to appreciate your art 100%, you have very good videos, greetings.
I sent him a message, could you please read it? :D
Hi Caligula can you add me as friend
I will. ;)
Hope you will keep us updated!
I'm still around. I had to take an extended hiatus for some RL issues. I'll be randomly uploading pics and maybe short vids from time to time for whatever strikes my fancy at the time and if I think it's worth sharing. I have no future projects or anything planned. I'm going to keep it simple this time around and release content on the spontaneity of idea when my muse strikes. I find it to be better for my content than trying to continually keep within the confines of a set of characters or story.

I thank everyone for being here and I hope you did, and that you will enjoy what I'll be uploading from now on. Obviously my content is going to be 90% older dickgirl on younger females. So if that is not your thing I apologize ahead of time.

As always, thanks for enjoying my content.
Hey there hope you been okay, and miss the old futa that you have been doing.
The fact that you do old women futa makes you all the more loved. Thank you.
Hi can you add me as friend love to see your vids
If you are still around, I'd suggest using Virt-A-Mate, its essentially DAZ3D but VR (and desktop) and uses Unity, along with DAZ3D morphs and objects.
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