DC Comics - Hot Power Girl - Part 1

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12947   3 years ago
AnimationGalore | 183 subscribers
12947   3 years ago
Tags: Animation
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One reason could be that they mistook this user for this other dude who spams General_Butch videos on here. Another could be that a lot of people find GB's fanbase super cringey and annoying because of their racial fetishes but honestly, to each their own.
I don't understand why so many user Thumbs down this video. It's one of the best, and I get the argument to each their own and all of that, but there is a difference between not liking and like a thumbs down. At least to me like a thumbs down comes when I am like truly disgusted or offended by something and even then 90% of the time I'll just close the video, page or tab and move on to something else. Personally I am loving those video, I wish he would do another one with Miranda Lawson anal Doggy, or one from Rogue X-Men or Psylocke or Blackcat. Or Maybe Mai Shiranui. Merry Christmas to all.
Wouldn't be a General Butch if there was no ass slap.
felices fiestas!