Doctor Feelgood

96% 64 3
29961   7 years ago
LordAardvark | 1.1K subscribers
29961   7 years ago
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I'm sorry this awesome & all but my imagination can't help but go wild. lol Rebecca's like I just gave you anesthetic & evac is on it's way then leans forward & unzips your pants & tells you let's make you feel better while we wait... I would be like wtf... I'm numb woman! you are the only feeling good!? I have a erection because your fucking hot... I have been shot & bitten by zombies & I have lost lot's of blood & your trying to bone me ?! for real? ok... we can do this... but if I die during sex or I'm infected & your vag turns into a zombie you better not gd point fingers at me like it was my fault! xD
You lose points for not playing the song "Doctor Feelgood" by Motley crue.
Rebecca!!!!!! Can you treat my wounds too ?