Images From: Fantasy 42 Notebook

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Froggy | 334 subscribers
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Yeah, I can dig the comic book thing. We come to identify characters with their costumes. Of course if Rex ever quit the show that would be the end of the show, at least from me. Other people could write their own series if they wanted to, though.
It certainly looks.... *Puts on sunglasses* ... Yarr-ing.

*Cue CSI: Miami opening*

Anyway, joking aside, while I'm not against the new outfits, I think you shouldn't entirely ditch the old ones (unless they don't work with this new body or something). Call it a sense of authenticity; to see him in the same old outfit again with his new looks would clearly ascertain that he's indeed the same character and not just a new actor because the old Rex quit the show :P
New "swashbuckler" look for Rex - we'll see how well that works out in testing. It was when I decided to update him that I realized just how lacking the mods forums are when it comes to men's clothing. Hey, just like real life, right?