More fixes and Moderation

Hello Naughty Machinima community, 

If you are interested in helping out with moderation, just send me a PM with a little info.

You may have noticed that the long lasting ghost notifications have been cleared out.
(Message or friend request notification numbers when in fact they aren't there any more)
That happened when an account (like a spammer) gets deleted, their unread message count or pending friend requests remain in your user menu.
Now that I can remove the left over notifications cleanly, there will be an automagical system that will maintain this.  So they may again appear from time to time but will be wiped out shortly.

Next, I have completed the modifications to the categories for both videos and images, as well as recategorized as best as possible existing videos that didn't have one of these new categories.
The previous tag system only allowed for one word tags, but phrases are now supported.  Please use commas to separate your tags on uploads.  As it is, all prior tags became one long string of words in the update so for existing videos, you may edit your tags and comma separate as you see fit, if you would prefer not having a single stupid long tag per video.

Next will be to allow videos to be uploaded to more than one category, which will enable better organization of content, and viewer filtering that is a feature on the way.

Most importantly, before all that I am seeking moderators, if this is something you would like to do, please send me a PM directly.
4315   2 months ago
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Me plz moderate
Thanks for all the updates, Muze! I will PM you re: moderation